Mara Indigo Powder Side Effects, Benefits, Reviews

Mara Organics Indigo powder is produced from the indigo plant’s dried leaves. It imparts a bluish hue to light-colored hair.

Actually, Indigo powder is combined with Henna for effective results.

When the indigo powder is combined with henna powder or used after henna coloring, it results in colors of reddish-brown, brown, or black.

The resulting color varies on the technique, the ratio of henna to indigo, and the amount of time the mixture is left on the hair.

What color tones will you achieve after using Indigo powder? 

  • When mixed at a ratio of 75% henna and 25% indigo, the color turns reddish brown. 
  • Brown hues while applying a mixture of 50% henna and 50% indigo.
  • Dark chocolate brown tones can be achieved by mixing 25% henna and 75% indigo.
  • When using 100% pure henna initially, followed by 100% pure indigo in the second stage, black tones result. A two-step process is the name of this procedure.
  • To create browner tones, mix indigo with your henna treatment.

Related: Noorani Black Henna Side Effects, Use, Benefits, Results

How to use Mara Indigo Powder

Directions for a two-step process

For longer hair, make extra henna paste when making it for shoulder-length hair.

Please do not use any metal utensils when mixing; only use plastic, porcelain, or glass containers.

Henna paste

Combine 300–330 ml of lemon juice with 100 g of Mara Organics Henna Powder until the mixture reaches a yogurt-like consistency.

Put a lid on it and let the paste sit in water for 8 to 24 hours.

After washing your hair, apply the product liberally, making sure every strand is coated.

Leave on for three hours while wearing a shampoo cap. First, wash it thoroughly, and then add Indigo powder to make a paste.

Indigo paste

A mixture of 100 grams of Mara organics Indigo Powder and 300–330 milliliters of warm water and should have the consistency of yogurt.

The paste should be used on dry hair as soon as it is made.

It takes a few days until the actual color emerges. Although it may appear bright, brassy, or coppery at first, the color will gradually deepen over the next three to four days. This is due to the fact that oxidation is a slow process that can take several days.

Directions for the one-step process

Allow the henna and lemon juice mixture to sit for at least 8 hours.

Blend the indigo with hot water right before you apply it to your hair.

Combine the henna and indigo solutions. To create a more brown tone use a bigger amount of henna. Add more indigo for a deeper brown. 

Apply on freshly shampooed dry hair.

Everyone’s hair is different and will accept the color differently thus to some extent trial and error is important to acquire the ideal hue.

If you want a more intense shade, try dying your hair with henna first, washing and drying it, and then applying the indigo dye.

Does indigo powder really work?

Indigo leaves boiled in coconut oil can be used as a home cure for greying hair, in addition to being used as a natural hair colour in powder form.

By using this mixture on a regular basis, you can not only stop your hair from going gray, but you can also reverse the effects of graying.

Related: Prem Dulhan Sure Naturals Henna Reviews, Benefits, Side Effects

Oiling Hair After Indigo

After 48 hours from the application of indigo hair dye, it is best to oil the hair. Additionally, avoid oiling your hair before using the indigo dye because this will prevent the dye from sticking to the hair.

Related: How To Make Indigo Hair Oil at Home

Mara indigo Powder side effects

There are no side effects to using indigo powder for hair. However, like with any substance, indigo powder allergy is quite uncommon. Sensitization to indigo powder can cause the following symptoms;

  • Itchiness,
  • Headache and
  • Dizziness.

If you experience any of these symptoms stop using indigo powder and seek medical attention or advice from a doctor.

However, using indigo as a hair color can be time-consuming and messy at first, but it gets easier the more you use it.

The marketplaces are flooded with synthetic indigo powder that is difficult to distinguish from the fake indigo powder.

A number of unpleasant symptoms, such as extreme itching, and headaches, will accompany the use of counterfeit indigo powder.

Mara Indigo Powder Reviews

There are no existing reviews on this product. However, there are some rumors that there is fake Indigo powder on the market. Therefore, you need to be very keen while purchasing this product.

Fake indigo powder can cause several advanced side effects. That is why it is advisable to only purchase it on the official site or Jumia, Amazon, and Alibaba among other reputable online malls.

Mara Indigo Powder Side Effects


Is Indigo powder harmful for hair?

The indigo powder for hair has no negative side effects. But some people might be allergic to it, as is typical with other natural components.

As a result, if it’s your first time using it, perform a patch test to rule out any allergic responses.

Is Indigo powder good for hair growth?

It can treat baldness and promote the growth of new hair. It conditions dry hair and relieves dandruff. It shields the scalp from diseases and calms it.

Your hair becomes thicker, more manageable, and shinier while the tangles are smoothed out.

Does indigo darken hair?

Yes, the dried, crushed leaves of the Indigofera Tinctoria plant, known as organic indigo, are a wholly organic hair coloring gift from nature.

It can be combined with organic henna (henna-treated hair) to produce a range of colors, including black, brown, and red-brown, or it can be used alone to intensify brown or red hair.

Can I apply indigo without henna?

You may dye your hair as black as you like without using chemicals by using indigo powder.

People with light hair typically need a henna base for this, whereas people with darker hair can use indigo powder without a henna base.

How Long Should I Leave Indigo In My Hair?

This is dependent on the method. I would advise letting the indigo paste sit for two to three hours for the best results if you are using it in the two-step procedure described above.

It is advised to leave it for extended periods of time if you are using henna and indigo together (it is not as effective as a two step technique).

Can I leave Indigo In My Hair Overnight?

The dye sets on the hair in 3 to 4 hours, so you don’t need to leave it on overnight.

Additionally, putting a wet paste like indigo to your hair before bed is not a good idea because it could give you a headache and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

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How To Rinse Indigo Out Of Hair?

In contrast to henna powder, indigo is simple to remove or rinse. For optimal results, simply rinse it off with water.

Try to avoid using shampoo for the following three days. After using indigo, use shampoo right away to quickly remove the color.

Is Indigo Bad For Your Hair?

True indigo hair color won’t ever damage your hair because it is a natural substance derived from the indigo plant.

It will only become more robust and bright. It also serves as a decent substitute for chemical hair dyes, which frequently cause allergies.

How Long Does Indigo Hair Dye Lasts?

The time it lasts varies from person to person.  Some people may have it for 8 to 12 weeks, while others may have it wash out sooner. The degree of the porousness of your hair is a major factor.

How to Make Indigo Stick To Hair?

When mixing indigo powder and water, add a tiny teaspoon of salt to help fix the colour if your hair absorbs indigo dye poorly like some people do. Additionally, always use the indigo paste on clean, dry hair.

How To Make Indigo Last Longer:

As previously stated, only shampoo your hair every third or fourth day. Additionally, avoid washing your hair every day; doing so will make the colour fade faster. For optimal results, use only mild washes.