10 Best Ways to Find Inner Peace through Meditation

Cultures from East to West have long practiced several ways to find inner peace through meditation as a way of unlocking a sense of calm and fulfillment. It’s also known as the practice of mindfulness, which follows scientific principles that you can use to find peace in a busy lifestyle.

Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or another challenging situation, learning how to meditate can help you find balance again.

Beginner-friendly meditation techniques are available for almost anyone who wants to see positive changes in their life. The benefits of meditation are vast and can be implemented into your everyday life even if you only have 5 minutes at a time.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice of focused attention on a single thing, such as your breathing or a word or phrase. It can be done while sitting, standing, lying down, or even walking. Meditation is the practice of stilling the mind to achieve a state of relaxation and greater clarity.

Many people enjoy meditation, not only because of the benefits it has on the body (relieving stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, and improving immunity), but also because of the benefits it has on the mind.

When we meditate, we allow our thoughts to slow down, and our minds become clearer. We can also gain a greater sense of perspective and become less self-critical.

Types of Meditation you can use to find inner peace

To get started with meditation, you don’t need to go to a special place or wear special clothes. All you need is a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted for about 30 minutes.

The most important thing is that you are comfortable, so choose a place where you can sit or lie down without feeling self-conscious. Here are different types of meditation:

  • Mantra meditation uses a word or phrase that you repeat in your head. This can be something as simple as “peace” or “calm,” or it can be a special word from your religion.
  • Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on your breath, your body sensations, or an image that’s important to you. It trains your attention to stay focused on the present moment.
  • Visualization meditation asks you to create an image in your mind. It can help you solve problems or create the life you want.
  • Candle meditation is a visual meditation that uses a candle flame as a focusing device. As the flame flickers, your thoughts will slow down and become more peaceful.

Related: How Combining Cannabis and Meditation can help you find inner peace.

Ways Meditation Helps You Find Balance

Meditation can help ease anxiety and depression by calming the mind, which quiets down the negative feelings.

Research has shown that meditation can be effective in treating anxiety, depression and even pain. If you’re struggling to stay focused at work or school, meditation may be the answer. People who meditate have more control over their attention.

They are less distracted than non-meditators, even when there is noise in the surrounding environment. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, meditation can help you take a step back and see things from a different perspective. It can help you deal with difficult situations, such as relationship problems, work challenges, or tense family relationships, with a calm and clear head.

During stressed-out times, your body produces more of the hormone cortisol, which lowers your immune system and leaves you susceptible to infections. Research shows that meditation reduces the level of cortisol in your body, leaving your immune system stronger than ever.

Meditations for Beginners

It’s always good to start off with the basics. There are many types of meditation, so pick one that you prefer when you’re ready to move on. You can find meditation techniques online, in books or apps, or you can ask your doctor or therapist for a recommendation.

Breathing Meditation

Breathing is the foundation for every meditation practice, so start with this one first. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Focus on your breath as it enters and leaves your body. Don’t change your breath—just observe it. As you get more comfortable with this technique, you can extend the length of your meditation.

Body Scan Meditation

Once you’re comfortable with breathing meditation, you can try this exercise, which helps you focus on each part of your body and release tension as you go.

Start by sitting still and closing your eyes. Focus on one part of your body at a time and feel the sensations that arise there, such as tightness, warmth, or tingling.

Help with Anxiety and Depression

As mentioned above, meditation is a great way to help ease anxiety and depression. If you’re struggling with either of these conditions, it’s important to talk to a doctor. They can recommend the best treatment plan for you and help you find the methods that work best.

If you’re dealing with anxiety, try self-hypnosis, which is a type of meditation that can help calm your mind and improve your focus. If you’re struggling with ADHD, try cognitive-behavioral therapy, which uses meditation as one of the primary treatments. Another suitable alternative is vyvanse which acts as a nervous system stimulant. 

A simple meditation you can try at Home to find inner peace

Kindly follow these simple steps to find inner peace. You only need at least 10 minutes to meditate and you feel better and more healthy after it. 

          Step 1: Find a safe and peaceful place to practice, it can be under a tree.

          Step 2: Close your eyes and inhale deeply for 15 seconds before you exhale to create a defined pause.

          Step 3:  Now you need to relax your body to let go of any tension

          Step 4:  You can now try to inhale and exhale fully a bit faster for another 5 seconds as you focus on the rhythmic rise and fall of your breath. 

          Step 5: Take another deep breath and hold for 10 seconds before you exhale. As you exhale, lower your shoulder to ensure your body feels more relaxed.

         Step 6: Now allow your body to be filled with peace and calmness.

         Step 7:  Uses a word or phrase that you repeat in your head such as “peace” or any other word that make you feel better.

         Step 8: You can repeat the above steps as more as you can until you find the inner peace.

         Step 9: Always stay focus on your breathing

        Step 10: Now you can carry on with your day.


Is mediation safe?

Meditation is a great way to relax, find clarity, and reduce stress. There are many types of meditation, so find the one that’s most comfortable.

Can anyone learn how to meditate?

Yes, anyone can learn how to meditate because meditation is a practice that can be done by anyone, and in any place.

Do I need special accessories?

Some of these things like yoga mats, bolsters, and meditation chairs are extremely beneficial for your practice, others like bells and gongs will probably only clutter up your home.

Where should I meditate?

You can do meditation anywhere, provided the place is safe and calm. You can go in your bedroom, field, your backyard, or nearby a tree and it’s a great way to fit self-care into your busy schedule.

How long should I meditate?

Meditate for a minimum of 10 minutes once or twice a day. The more you practice meditation, the better you will get at it. This will help you reduce depression.

Words of Wisdom

Meditation is the best way to find your inner peace as it enables you to have a peaceful moment and think and reflect on your life and problems so that you can feel relieved.

It is important to practice meditation as it makes you feel better again and make you have a sober mind after a tiresome or hectic situation. Always purposes to meditate at least twice a week so that you find the inner peace to control your emotions before you act.