20 Tips How To Control Anxiety Naturally From Home

Many strategies have been put in place to manage anxiety. Actually,  anxiety is a major threat of late. The world is very chaotic.

Nevertheless, the chaotic nature motivates your readiness and awareness of any future challenge.

The impact of anxiety if not managed, can cause several health problems in life. For that matter, control of anxiety is the key to a better lifestyle.

This article explains the natural ways how to manage anxiety in a real-life situation.

People with anxiety can experience a range of physical and psychological symptoms. The most common include:

  • feeling nervous, tense, or fearful
  • restlessness
  • panic attacks, in severe cases
  • a rapid heart rate
  • fast breathing, or hyperventilation
  • sweating
  • shaking
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • dizziness
  • difficulty concentrating
  • sleep problems
  • nausea
  • digestive issues
  • feeling too cold or too hot
  • chest pain

Some anxiety disorders have additional symptoms such as:

  • obsessive thoughts
  • compulsive behaviors that aim to reduce the anxiety caused by the thoughts
  • periods of temporary relief, which follow the compulsive behaviors

Here are how to manage anxiety

  1. Do regular exercise to reduce anxiety

Exercise is a very important device in life.

Fitness helps with mood enhancement and brain function.

Having a workout plan for physical exercise twice a week will help you stay active and reduce work stress, depression, and anxiety.

Studies show that regular exercise helps stabilize brain function and blood circulation and people who perform 2 to 3 workouts a week are healthier than those who do not exercise.

In general, exercise improves the whole body’s functions and health. it also improves your sleep and reduces anxiety.

Related: How To Start a Realistic Fitness Program

  1. Limit smoking to manage anxiety

Smoking can be addictive and is one of the major causes of anxiety.

smoking also results in various health disorders such as cancer. Starting smoking at a tender age increases your risk of anxiety disorder in the future.

Cigarettes also contain toxic substances that may alter your brain functions leading to anxiety.

Stopping cigarette smoking helps prevent and reduce anxiety. Furthermore, voiding smoking improves your general health condition.

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol to manage anxiety

A good number of people believe that drinking alcohol can completely reduce anxiety.

However, this is a bad motive. Alcohol is purely sedative, and after drinking it, anxiety returns to its initial point.

Therefore, it is better to solve the cause of anxiety than drinking alcohol.

Drinking alcohol may result in alcohol dependence and this can ruin your life.

Furthermore, alcohol is very harmful to your health and may cause severe problems that may result in an unexpected death.

Finally, drinking alcohol may affect sexual physiology, which will decrease sexual desire and this can cause erectile dysfunction.

It can also cause the body’s system to slow down being that it is a depressant.

  1. Avoid taking caffeine  to manage anxiety

The fact is, taking caffeine may cause nervousness and jitters, neither of which is good if you are anxious.

Therefore, in case you have chronic anxiety, then you should avoid taking caffeine. Furthermore, caffeine may result in anxiety disorders, which may cause other health problems such as panic disorders.

For you to manage anxiety it is better if you avoid taking ditch caffeine.

  1. Eating a well-balanced diet

Food is very essential for life. However, not all food is good for health.

Food with low blood sugar levels, dehydration, or chemicals in processed foods such as artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, and preservatives may cause anxiety.

Eating a well-balanced diet can help reduce anxiety. Always check your diet and in any case, if your anxiety increases after eating a given food then check your eating habit.

The best way to manage anxiety is by staying hydrated, avoiding processed foods, and eating a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.

  1.  use chamomile teas to manage anxiety

Chamomile tea helps reduce anxiety, therefore, drinking a cup of tea enhances sleep and nervous relaxation.

Tea eliminates anxiety disorder. This stands out as the best home remedy for managing anxiety.

Research reveals that those taking 3 cups of chamomile tea gradually reduces anxiety and achieve great sleep as compared to those given the placebo.

It is recommended to drink more chamomile in a day to help you stay healthy from stress, depression, and anxiety.

How To Control Anxiety Naturally

  1. Quality sleep help reduce anxiety

Enough sleep is important for general health. It helps improves your moods, recovery of muscle, and other body functions.

Insomnia is a major symptom of anxiety. Avoiding caffeine, large meals, and nicotine before bedtime can help you achieve quality sleep.

Good sleep also helps relax the blood vessels and increase blood circulation, therefore reducing anxiety.

  1. How meditation help reduce anxiety?

The flashback of your memories is one way of managing anxiety. It helps to get rid of bad things or chaotic thoughts from your mind.

When the chaotic thoughts are erased, a fresh sense and mindfulness of the present events are achieved.

This relieves depression and anxiety. Furthermore, meditation acts as an antidepressant.

So take approximately 25 minutes to meditate and let meditation be your first priority every day for a fresh mind and better health.

  1. Hobbies may help reduce anxiety

Getting up for what you like can help you eliminate anxiety and stress. Some hobbies like watching action, playing football or gaiter, reading novels, swimming, and dancing may help reduce anxiety.

 For instance, when I am stressed and anxious, I go to the gym where I join my friend to exercise, though it may be difficult, however, after the gym, I feel relieved.

  1. Having a deep breath to manage anxiety

This may sound weird, but I tell you, deep breathing exercise is very important.

This is an act of the deliberate process of taking slow, even, deep breaths. It helps restore normal breathing patterns and eliminates anxiety.

Practicing seven deep breaths is crucial when feeling anxious.

  1. Use aromatherapy to manage anxiety

This is a technique in which fragrant oil is used to improve moods and health.

Aromatherapy helps eliminate anxiety, depression, and stress. Furthermore, aromatherapy helps you relax, achieve quality sleep, and reduces heart rate and blood pressure.

The essential oils can be inhaled directly, or added to a warm bath or diffuser.

You may need these essential oils to use at home to relieve anxiety. They include:

  • Bergamot Oil
  • Lavender Oil
  • clary sage Oil
  • grapefruit oil
  • ylang-ylang oil and many others.
  1. Involve in open communication

Involving in open communication can help prevent anxiety affecting your sex performance, relationship, and family.

For instance, individuals with an intense work schedule, caring responsibilities, or even life stress may feel fatigued.

Therefore, involving in an open conversation with co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors may reduce anxiety.

  1. Carefully read the labels of any product you purchase

Failure to read labels on a product you purchased may result in buying foods high in saturated fats, calories, and other harmful substances.

This may increase anxiety. so always consult whoever is selling your product before use.

  1. Avoid the use of supplements.

Some oral supplements such as Levitra, Creatine, whey protein, and many others may cause anxiety, nasal congestion, headache, upset stomach, etc.

These saps may contain harmful substances that may cause severe chronic diseases.

Therefore it is recommended to replace dietary supplements with whole food such as nuts, lean meat, and omega-3 fatty acids.

  1. Maintain a healthy body weight

Unhealthy weight gain may result in obesity. Excessive fats in the body increase anxiety. overweight can lead to several chronic diseases.

Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce anxiety. For you to maintain a healthy weight (below 25 BMI) you need to eat a healthy diet and do regular exercise.

    16. L-theanine (or green tea)

A study shows that L-theanine available in green tea helps to regulate the heart rate and blood pressure, therefore, it reduces anxiety.

However, for enough L-theanine from green tea, you will have to drink many cups.

For example, drinking five cups or more of green tea is more effective.

    17. Use Lemon balm to reduce anxiety

Natural lemon balm is a very important herb that many people have used for many years.

Due to its effective nature in battling stress and anxiety. the lemon balm also helps to reduce sleep disorders, therefore, improves sleep quality.

The herb makes you stay alert and calm. In addition, lemon balm should be consumed in moderation.

In that taking, too much can actually make you more anxious. So be careful as you use it.

18. Lavender to manage anxiety

The lavender (Lavandula hybrida) may be an “emotional” anti-inflammatory.

However, taking lavender oil may reduce anxiety disorders in individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Although, it should be taken with moderation.

Correct consumption of the herb helps make you less anxious.

20. Eat omega-3 fatty acids or SAP

Omega-3 fatty acids have several health benefits such as regulating blood pressure, preventing heart attack, and lowering cholesterol.

Omege-3 also prevents type 2 diabetes, and protects against depression, anxiety, and many other.

So eating fish or omega-3 supplements will drastically reduce anxiety. However, it is recommended to get omega-3 fatty acids from food rather than supplements.

Lean meat, fatty fish, salmon, anchovies, sardines, and mussels contain an adequate amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Summing it up

Follow the above natural tips to effectively manage anxiety. However, home remedies are the best for reducing anxiety.

Remember to talk to your doctor for further assistance in case you find it difficult to cope with anxiety.