10 Best Foods To Boost Low Testosterone

It is substantial to eat some of the best foods to boost low testosterone. Factually, low testosterone is a fairly common problem in men, believed to affect more than 8% of the 50-79 year old demographic.

There are a number of causes of low testosterone, but the most common one is the process of aging. Simply put, the levels naturally go down by 1-2% per year after the age of 30.

While it is possible to supply testosterone through hormone therapy and other medical treatments, these are not always the best option, given the potential risks and side effects they present.

Before you decide to go down this route, it’s worth looking into less-invasive alternatives, such as changes to your diet.

To help you out, below, you’ll find a list of some of the best foods you can eat to boost your testosterone levels in a natural and healthy way.

Read on and find out what to eat to get your testosterone deficiency under control!

Why Testosterone Matters?

Before we get into the foods that significantly increase testosterone in men, let’s look at why it’s important to maintain healthy testosterone levels in the first place.

While most people associate this hormone with masculinity, its functions are much wider than that. It’s very important for men’s health and affects things such as bone density and muscle mass.

However, the impact of testosterone doesn’t end at affecting your physical well-being. Low levels of this hormone will also negatively impact your intimate life.

Testosterone deficiency can decrease your libido to the point where you have no interest in sex whatsoever. Your partner could get the lewdest equipment. This can lead to a lot of tension in your relationship and sometimes even breakups.

In extreme cases, low testosterone levels might even lead to erectile dysfunction. This can be an extremely frustrating condition, especially since it’s so heavily linked with self-esteem.

In addition to this, low testosterone levels can also lead to a lot of emotional problems, such as anxiety, mood swings, and even depression.

Because of that, it is important to do everything in your power to keep your testosterone levels in check, including changing your diet.

1. Eat Oysters

Oysters are not necessarily what most people would consider daily food – their price makes them a luxury item. However, if your testosterone levels are low, you might want to make an exception and add them to your diet more often.

Low testosterone levels are often associated with decreased levels of zinc in the body. And oysters are some of the richest sources of zinc (over 5 mg per serving when the recommended daily minimum is 8 mg) in nature.

So, if you’re looking to boost your testosterone levels naturally, these mollusks could be the key.

2. Get Some Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein, but that’s not their only benefit. Early animal research suggests that selenium found in yolks may have a positive impact on the production of testosterone and improve the reproductive function in men.

3. Consume Products With Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another key player when it comes to maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Your body produces this nutrient naturally only when you spend a lot of time in the sun.

This can be a problem if you live in a cold climate or your work/lifestyle prevents you from going outside during the day.

Fortunately, getting the recommended daily intake of vitamin D is not that difficult, given the fact that it’s present in many common foods like fish, cheese, or beef liver.

You may also check out soy and almond milk – each serving can contain as much as a quarter of the recommended vitamin D daily intake.

4. Go For Leafy and Green Veggies

This may sound like an obvious tip, but leafy and green vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals that can significantly improve your testosterone levels.

Many of these foods are great sources of the mineral magnesium, which is believed to positively impact testosterone production in men.

If beans or lentils are not your cup of tea, you can try other magnesium-rich foods like whole grains or various types of nuts and seeds.

5. Try Out Avocados

Avocados are a great source of magnesium, so it should come as no surprise that they would make this list. However, there’s more to them than just magnesium.

These fruits also contain boron, a mineral that some believe has a positive impact on testosterone levels.

Unlike many other substances, boron may also reduce the rate at which your body eliminates testosterone. Plus, avocados are loaded with healthy fats, which are a great boon for hormonal health.

6. Eat Fatty fish 

The nutrients vitamin D, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fatty fish like salmon and sardines, which are crucial for hormonal health.

Your overall health—including your hormonal health—may be improved by including healthy sources of fat like fatty fish in your diet.

Furthermore, fatty fish are a good source of protein, zinc, and vitamin D, all of which are essential for sustaining normal testosterone levels.

According to PubMed journal, for instance, that men with lower levels of vitamin D tend to have lower testosterone than men with higher levels. Considering that vitamin D is necessary for healthy male reproduction.

7. Cocoa products 

Magnesium and flavonoid antioxidants, both of which are crucial for testosterone, are abundant in cocoa products like cacao nibs and cocoa powder.

Plant compounds known as flavonoids have significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the body.

According to studies, certain flavonoids, such as the quercetin and apigenin found in cocoa, may help boost the testosterone production of Leydig cells, which are found in the testicles.

You might want to choose cocoa products that have little to no added sugar when you shop for them. For their outstanding health advantages, think about consuming cocoa powder, cacao nibs, or low-sugar dark chocolate.

8. Cherries, berries, and pomegranates 

Flavonoid antioxidants, which are abundant in cherries, berries, and pomegranates, may help shield damaged testosterone-producing cells and boost the production of testosterone.

An earlier study in rats discovered that pomegranate juice supplementation increased testosterone levels, protected Leydig cells (which produce testosterone) from damage, and helped protect against induced oxidative stress.
Before we can say for sure whether pomegranates or their juice can affect your testosterone levels, more research in humans is required.

Pomegranates, berries, and cherries could guard against the inflammation that obesity causes, which lowers testosterone levels.

Consuming foods high in antioxidants like these fruits may therefore improve overall health, including hormonal health.

9. Try Eating Bananas

Bananas contain an enzyme known as bromelain, which has been shown to assist in increasing levels of testosterone in the body.

In fact, bananas are not only delicious, but they are also great for keeping your energy levels up and reducing the amount of antioxidants your body produces.

Therefore, you should eat bananas to support your testosterone level.

10. Eat some Almonds

In people who are zinc deficient, the consumption of almonds has been shown to increase testosterone levels.

This is because almonds contain high concentrations of the zinc. It is possible that your pituitary gland will be unable to release some of the key hormones that are necessary to stimulate production of testosterone if your zinc levels are low.

You can help prevent this from occurring and prevent a reduction in your testosterone levels by eating foods that are rich in zinc. This will help ensure that this does not happen.

All in all, a great addition to your diet!

Concluding Remark

Low testosterone levels can have a very negative effect on your well-being and quality of life. Thankfully, by eating the right foods, you can increase your chances of maintaining healthy testosterone levels, even as you age.

Of course, changing your diet shouldn’t be the only thing you’re doing to improve your testosterone levels.

Boosting your testosterone production is much easier when you exercise regularly and get quality sleep. Those who are overweight should also consider losing a few pounds.

Above all, make sure to talk to your doctor about your concerns and ask for guidance before making any drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle. Good luck!