Top 5 How to Get Used to Wearing New Glasses

Many people with eye problems often desire to know how to get used to wearing new glasses as they ask several questions such as is it normal for eyes to hurt with new glasses? How long do new glasses take to get used to? among other.

Lucky enough, we have all your answers in this article.

Factually, if you’ve recently been prescribed new glasses if you have eye problems, you’re probably wondering how long it’s going to take you to get used to them!

Whether you’re wearing glasses for the first time or just updating your prescription, it’s going to take a while to get used to wearing your new glasses.

As your brain and eyes slowly adjust to your new glasses, things we’ll get a whole lot easier!

While adjusting to new glasses isn’t easy, there are a few helpful tricks that you can use to make the process go a whole lot smoother.

Keep reading to learn how you can get used to wearing your new glasses or lenses, stress-free! 

If at the end of the day, you discover that your new glasses just aren’t for you, you can pick up an affordable pair or lenses or frames at Zenni.

The trick to shopping for new glasses without blowing your budget is to shop with a coupon code. Here’s a Zenni promo code for you that will allow you to enjoy a major discount on your next pair of glasses or frames!

Common problems with new glasses

When you start to wear new glasses or lenses, it’s normal for them to feel a little off. There’s always an adjustment period to deal with especially if you’re dealing with the following:

  • Wearing glasses for the first time
  • Wearing the same frames with new lenses
  • A new type of lens, such as progressive lenses or bifocals
  • The same prescription but new frames

During this time, you may experience issues such as  

  • Eye strain: in that, your eyes may feel tired as they work to adjust to your new glasses. 
  • Distortion: you may experience objects appearing bent, warped,  out of focus or wavy.
  • Depth perception: you may experience trouble determining how near or far objects are. 
  • Headaches and nausea: it may also lead to headaches, nausea, and dizziness.
  • Fishbowl effect: The feeling that what you’re seeing is bent along the edges, as though you’re seeing the world through a fishbowl is also common with new glasses. 

Is it normal for my eyes to hurt while wearing new glasses?

Yes, some eye strain or eye pain is normal as your eyes adjust to wearing your new glasses. Your eyes may feel tired or sore as they need time to get used to seeing through your new glasses.

Your vision may even appear to be distorted. This is normal, it’s just your brain and eyes getting used to processing images differently. 

If you’ve recently switched to a new type of frame, it’s normal for them to feel uncomfortable too.

You may find yourself constantly touching your new frames or your face. Avoid doing so, it will help you get used to your new glasses faster. 

 Is it normal for glasses to be blurry at first?

As previously stated, when you are wearing glasses for the first time, or even when you get a new prescription, you may encounter some blurriness or vision distortion as your brain adjusts to the new glass.

Your brain and eyes, at this point, have been overcompensating for poor vision and they need time to learn to process images differently.

Therefore, it is normal for glasses to be blurred at the first time of their usage.

Is It Normal To Get Headaches With New Glasses?

New eyeglasses are not meant to cause headaches. Unfortunately, headaches and even nausea are common with new glasses.

For instance, frames can put pressure on your nose and temples, which can cause a tension headache.

In addition, eye strain from new glasses can also cause headaches and nausea. So don’t be very surprised when you feel such a problem, but take some painkillers.  

Can New Glasses Make You Dizzy?

Dizziness is one of the issues you may encounter with wearing new glasses.

Therefore, if you experience dizziness or nausea when wearing your new glasses, it is likely that you are also dealing with depth perception issues. 

However, one tends to feel grounded and stable because you have a natural understanding of your body and how it relates to the space around it.

During the time it takes for you to adjust to your new glasses, your depth perception may falter, which can be disorienting and make you feel dizzy.

How to Get Used to Wearing New Glasses

Is It Normal For New Glasses To Feel Uncomfortable?

Yes, it is normal for you to feel uncomfortable when you wear new glasses.

In fact, getting used to something new on your face can be awkward. You might find yourself touching and adjusting your glasses without realizing it or even just wishing you could take them off your eyes.

Even if you have worn glasses before, switching from square to round frames, or small to large ones can take an adjustment period as you get used to how a new set of frames sits on your face. 

Typically, you will get used to the new sensation within a few days, but you might feel uncomfortable for the first few days.

Can you help your eyes adjust more quickly?

Someone can easily adjust to any change by simply accepting change and adapting to it.

In this case, the best way to help your eyes adjust to your new glasses is to wear them regularly.

In that, you need to put on your new glasses as soon as you wake up, and wear them appropriately. You need to stop touching your glasses often or adjusting them often. 

But remember, do not go back and forth with your old glasses, even if your old pair is more comfortable.

It is important to hide your old glasses if you have to!  since the switching will only make it harder for you to adjust to your new specs, and that will make the process take longer.

Is It Normal For My Vision To Be Distorted With New Glasses?

Yes, it is normal for the first few days, especially, when you are getting used to wearing glasses for the first time, or even adjusting to a new prescription.

In most cases, one will experience some visual distortion in the beginning as your brain adjusts.

Remember, your brain and eyes have been overcompensating for poor vision and need time to learn to process images differently.

As previously stated, during this time, objects may appear bent, warped, or out of focus and you may struggle with depth perception within a few days. 

Therefore, if you’re experiencing any of these problems, be patient and take heart as they will not last forever.

The best tip to cope with these issues is that make sure that you are taking steps to be safe by avoiding driving or operating machinery with your new glasses on for a few days.

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How Long Do New Glasses Take To Get Used To?

This is a very important question that many people often ask. To be precise, most issues related to adjusting to new glasses resolve on their own after a few days, but for some people, the adjustment period can take up to two weeks.

However, if you experience eye strain, distorted vision, and especially headaches for more than two or three days, contact your eye doctor or optician.

Tips for getting used to wearing new glasses

Try some of these strategies to get used to wearing your new glasses, faster:

  1. Gradually increase the length of time you wear them

Don’t jump into wearing your new glasses for 24 hours straight. It’s important to ease into wearing them to allow your brain and eyes to adjust.

Wear your new glasses as possible in the morning when your eyes are relaxed and try to increase the amount you wear them each day. 

  1. Buy frames that fit your face and head shape

Make sure that the frames you choose are the right size for your face. If you pick frames that are too large or too small, they may need to be adjusted.

Frames that are the wrong size can have a negative impact on our vision and lead to eye strain. 

  1. Practice some eye strain exercises

If you’re suffering from eye strain due to wearing your new glasses, practicing some of the eye relaxation techniques can help reduce pain and fatigue.

  1. Keep your glasses clean

If you’re suffering from distorted vision, make sure it’s not just your glasses that need to be cleaned.

Dirty glasses can lead to halos and visual disturbances, so clean your lenses regularly with a microfiber cloth. 

  1. Have your vision checked regularly

If after two weeks you’re still having trouble getting used to wearing your new glasses, it’s probably time for a check-up. You may need to have your lenses or frames adjusted.

A word from Tannos

Problems associated with new glasses are innumerable and users have to adjust to their new glasses.

One needs to follow the above tips and in case, a person experiences these issues for more than three weeks, then you need to visit your doctor for assistance.   

You should always seek advice from your doctor before purchasing and using eye glasses if you have eye problems.