How to Use Hydrofera Blue Foam Dressing? Reviews

Hydrofera blue foam dressing is a type of antibacterial wound dressing that is ideal for covering the site of any type of injury and it utilizes PVA (proprietary polyvinyl alcohol) and a type of polyurethane foam for providing antiseptic protection.

Its inbuilt wicking can draw out impurities and bacteria from the wound, creating an optimal environment for the skin and tissue to heal itself.

Benefits of Hydofera blue foam dressing

  • Provide a non-cytotoxic alternative.
  • Contains antibacterial properties
  • Helps to enhance epithelialization. 
  • Provide a non-toxic healing environment.
  • Assist in keeping the wound moist.
  • It is not necessary to hydrate before usage.
  • Give up to seven days of wear for effective healing.
  • Let the wound to regenerate new tissue by neither stifling nor restricting growth factors.
  • Are a cost-effective wound care option.

How to use Hydofera blue foam dressing correctly

Here is how to use Hydofera blue foam dressing correctly, especially if you are not a medical practitioner providing care to an injured person or using it on yourself.

Step 1: Prepping The Wound Site

As any doctor will tell you, the healing of a wound is greatly dependent on the environment it is presented with. Cleaning the wound and the injury thoroughly is the first step before applying hydrofera blue dressing.

Saline solution should be used in a squirt bottle to repeatedly wash the wound site at least up to 3 times and more if there is crusting, peeling or blood clots visible.

If the wound is considerable in diameter then some gauze should be thoroughly moistened with saline water and the wound should be left to sit in it for a few minutes before proceeding.

Always keep a plastic or metal deep dish nearby to deposit the used gauze or have a sink to drain the residue from the wound when it is being washed.

Step 2: Apply Hydrofera blue foam dressing on Wound

The Hydrofera blue foam dressing is made to provide antiseptic action for up to 3 days after which some contamination can be expected.

The color of the dressing is also indicative of this as if it gets very soiled before 3 days and no longer retains its bright blue color it should be changed after 24 or 48 hours. If the color of the dressing appears white after a while, changing it every day should be sufficient.

As with many dressing types, the blue foam dressing can get stuck on the skin due to loss of moisture. Instead of ripping it off which will disrupt the wound healing and the clots that are slowly forming, re-moisten the foam with saline solution and use surgical tweezers to lift the dressing slowly.

Blue foam dressing is a lot more absorbent than any type of gauze or regular dressings, therefore it is most suitable for deep, gaping wounds and its ease of insertion into tunnel wounds has the same effect.

In the case of carrying out a tunneling dressing the tip of the blue foam is to be moistened and inserted into the wound. A swab or another surgical tool can be used to direct the tip of the foam.

The dressing should then be trimmed according to size and then secured with a second gauze dressing with adhesive.

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How Hydrofera Blue Works

Hydrofera Blue utilizes polyurethane foam, and features a two-part system for controlling bacteria and managing exudate.  It works by holding more fluid because there is no backing made of film making it easy to function better. The exudate is then transmitted to a secondary dressing as soon as the foam absorbs it, preventing leaks. As a result, the wound is shielded against a variety of germs by its antibacterial properties.

Types of Wounds to Apply Hydrofera Blue

The blue foam dressing can be used for a large variety of wound types. The versatility of the blue dressing is unquestioned as it can be used for partial wounds as well as ones of full-thickness and larger scale.

The blue foam is also designed to withstand considerable drainage from larger, more serious wounds making it a good choice for use in those situations.

The blue foam dressing is designed to provide a degree of insulation to the wound and excellent absorption of any leakage of blood or fluid in the course of healing.

Lastly, the blue foam dressing has a cushion-like effect making it ideal for use on areas that are more exposed or prone to movement like knees, buttocks or ankles as it can prevent a wound from bleeding out from those sites.

Hydofera blue foam dressing reviews, side effects and how to use

FAQs By Customers

What does Hydrofera Blue have in it?

Hydrofera Blue is an antibacterial wound dressing that combines patented polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyurethane foam technology with two naturally occurring organic colors.

What does Hydrofera Blue do for a wound?

While it removes exudate and debris from the wound bed, Hydrofera Blue Foam helps to enhance epithelialization. As a consequence, germs are eliminated and the bioburden is decreased in a multidimensional, non-toxic healing environment.

Does Hydrofera Blue need to be moistened?

Yes, take the packaging of Hydrofera Blue Dressing and thoroughly moisturize it with sterile saline or sterile water. After completely moistening the Hydrofera Blue® Dressing, squeeze away the excess liquid. Apply the dressing to the wound.

How long do you leave Hydrofera Blue on?

Depending on the exudate and clinical state of the wound, Hydrofera Blue may be left in place for up to 7 days. If the dressing turns white, it has to be replaced. The dressing may be left on for up to 7 days if the area where it comes into touch with the wound has preserved its color.

Does Hydrofera Blue stick to the wound?

Hydrofera Blue cannot be absorbed by the tissues in the wound bed, as it allows for unfettered re-epithelialization while minimizing biofilm load.

Hydrofera Blue which side down?

Apply with the dull side down and the glossy side up. After that, fix the material with a bandage, tape, or compression wrap. The dressing can be worn by the patient for up to seven days.