How To Make Indigo Hair Oil at Home

How to make Indigo hair oil for hair growth? Basically, they say indigo oil helps your hair grow and gets stronger. Indigo oil’s natural components help maintain hair’s structural integrity and fortify the roots, thus massaging it gently into the scalp can encourage faster growth.

Using indigo hair oil regularly can improve the health of your hair from the roots out.

Indigo oil is extremely beneficial for treating gray hair. Being an organic dye, it will naturally colour hair.

If you apply hair oil, the gray does not turn blue instead it becomes a very dark colour. Regular use not only delays graying but also turns back the clock on gray hair.

Ingredients of Indigo hair oil

These are the recipe of indigo hair oil;

  • Indigo leaves or Organic Indigo powder 
  • Amla (Indian gooseberry)
  • Coconut hair oil 
  • Bhringraj leaves
  • Henna leaves

Steps to make Indigo hair oil for Hair Growth at Home

This is one step process.

Step 1: Get yourself a 1/4 cup of indigo leaves and you’ll have enough to make some indigo hair oil. To get the most vibrant color, use freshly picked indigo leaves.

Step 2: Remove the stems and wash a 1/4 cup of bhringraj leaves. Bhringraj is a miraculous herb that stops hair loss instantly while also stimulating hair growth.

Step 3: Put some bhringraj leaves, amla, and indigo leaves in a blender and blend them together. Don’t add any liquid when grinding, and set the paste aside.

When herbs are ground coarsely, their essential oils are released more quickly into the oil.

Step 4: Put three fresh amla, also known as Indian gooseberries, in a mortar and pestle and pound until they’re broken and the seed has been removed.

Step 5. Take the pounded amla and grind to a coarse paste without adding any water in a mixer.

Step 6:  Now  one cup of unrefined coconut oil should be heated, and the powdered paste added to it.

Maintain high heat on the oil until the sizzling sound disappears, indicating that all of the water has been removed.
Turn off and strain once all the water has gone.

The oil will quickly get rancid if the heat is turned off before the popping sound has stopped. You hair growth oil is ready to be used!

Henna Indigo Hair Dye Recipe For Grey Hair

Applying Henna

Step 1: Prepare a bowl of henna powder containing 1/4 cup. You’ll only need about 40-50 grams of henna powder for short hair, 70-80 for shoulder-length hair, and about 150 for long, thick hair.

Step 2: Make sugar-free black tea by heating water with black tea, then straining and cooling the liquid. Into the bowl with the henna powder, pour the black tea that has been made, and stir until a smooth paste forms.

Step 3: Once you’ve gotten the hang of applying henna, you may play around with different additives like lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, or a coffee decoction.

There will be a wide range of colors possible due to the variety of ingredients. You can add a teaspoon of coconut oil to the henna paste if you find that it is overly drying to your hair.

Step 4: Cover the henna bowl with plastic wrap and leave it alone for 12 hours. The henna paste’s hue will have changed by the following day; to incorporate the new hue, give it a good stir.

Coconut oil can be used around the hairline to protect the skin from dye. If you don’t want to get any of it on your hands, gloves are a good idea too.

To avoid getting your good clothes stained, use an old towel as a drape and wear an old dress while applying the henna.

Step 5: Now, using the comb, separate your hair into sections and clip them together. Now take a little part of hair at a time and using a brush or your gloved hands, apply the henna mixture generously from the roots to the ends. Once the pins are in place, you can begin to blend in each part individually.


It’s important to get the consistency of the paste just right; if it’s too thick, it will be difficult to apply; if it’s too thin, it will drip all over you.

How to apply Indigo Hair Oil

After preparing your indigo hair oil, you can use the leftover henna paste after applying the henna paste to your hair to cover any bare spots on your head.

Apply it as a mask by smoothing it on from root to tip and leaving for 10 minutes. Your hair will be nourished, soft, and lustrous after using it to protect it for up to 12 washes.

Apply the solution to your scalp using the provided pipette. The formulation of this organic indigo oil will quickly calm your scalp.

Wearing a shower hat, you should wait four to five hours for the effects to take effect. Those who experience headaches after wearing henna on their hair for an extended period of time may benefit from adding a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the mixture.

After waiting the required 5 hours, you should rinse your hair with water. To avoid damaging your hair, rinse out the henna paste without using wash and pat your hair dry.

Indigo can be used on damp hair without the need for an additional product.

Benefits of Indigo Hair oil: What will indigo hair oil would do? 

Indigo Oil for Hair Growth 

According to legend, indigo oil is excellent for strengthening and growing hair.

The natural components in the medicinal oil serve to keep the hair intact and strengthen roots, therefore gently massaging the hair with indigo oil will speed up hair development.

Each hair strand is strengthened and given more health thanks to indigo powder.

Indigo Oil to reverse premature greying of the hair

Treatment for gray hair might be greatly benefited from indigo oil. Being an organic dye, it will naturally colour hair.

If you apply hair oil, the gray does not turn blue instead it becomes a very dark color. Regular use not only delays graying but also turns back the clock on gray hair.

Prevents dandruff and other scalp infections

Dandruff can be effectively removed with indigo oil. It removes the flakes off the scalp and guards against subsequent infections.